
Spartanwood hosts Special Olympics

said Bowden, Commercial Giraffe Inflatables I just love participating. who ha been take part in the Special Olympic for the past 10 years. I like be out here and help out when I can.

Bui photo

which allow Maria Montes-Duron center to win and Yasmin Mondragon left to finish second dure the Davidson Counti Special Olympic Spring Game on Fridai at Central Davidson High SchoolA shlei Lomax right wa lead the 100-meter run until she lost her shoe ..

A morn parad open the game as the particip athlet march in with their schools. Stoner-Thoma School won best banner for the parade.

Nearli 470 athlet rang in ag from 3 to over 40 participated.

Ov 300 regist volunt and an addit 500 Central Davidson student who volunt help make Fridai possibl for the athletes.

local coordin for the Special Olympics,Mari Ann Brown. express her gratitud to all the volunt who make the game possibl each year.

Brown said. You can see how big thi is; it take all these peopl work togeth to do this. And just to see them athlet come out and see their excit as thei get off the buses. They'v been training, It' awesom to see the commun come togeth and the volunt be abl to do this. and they'r so excited. It' great to see that.

long jump and softbal toss as well as face paint and a slew of tent that were set up with variou activities. A young athlet area wa also avail that includ inflat bounc hous and Wiffl ballGame includ the 50- and 100-yard dash and walk..

it' not about winning,A thlet John Bowden wa particip in the softbal toss when he wow the crowd with an impress 50-foot throw. But for Bowden. it' about enjoi the day.

