
What is a Ghost?

however. One of the reason Inflatable Advertising that paranorm research is so intrigu is that we do have to take into account that we usual ar in a haunt place becaus we either realli do or realli don't want to see someth unexplained,2. A project of our own thoughts. We us onli a small part of our brains; some peopl theoriz that certain circumst combin with a certain frame of mind will trigger an extrem vivid vision that appear to be real in everi way. Anyon who ha ever experienc a hallucinogen drug will concur that realiti can often be a tricki thing. It is not explain how such a manifest might be caught on film or tape. and that can bia our experience. If we can catch phenomena through technology, that valid our experience.

and there ar ghost belief in nearli everi cultur in the world. Peopl have told ghost stori and report ghostli encount for all of record history. Today,Ghost ar veri popular subject these days. About half the American peopl admit to believ in them. paranorm investig ar compil film and audio evidence, and experi with chang in electromagnet field and temperatur in allegedli haunt place to try to determin if there is object evid for the exist of someth we might identifi as a ghost. Grow evid indic that there is, indeed, some unexplain phenomena that can, for lack of a better word, be identifi as a ghost or spirit.

exactly,But what. is a ghost? In folklore, a ghost is the manifest of a dead person, and mani peopl belief thi is so. But what ar other theori of what a ghost might be?

Her ar some popular ideas:

and appear to be the most common kind. The apparit that ar seen in these case ar alwai in the same place,1. A recaptur of some violent or deepli emot event in the past. Thi is what is call a "residual" haunting. do the same thing, and show no awar of their actual surround or of live be who ar present. These ghost would have no person or substance, but would be the psychic equival of hologram replai on small bit of history. An exampl of thi might be the well-known ghost of Alice, at the Hermitag near Myrtl Beach, SC.

